termékeink #
BABYLIFE_BLR_2100ABabyLife BLR-2100A MelegĂtĆ Ă©s ĂjraĂ©lesztĆ Asztal
LehetĆvĂ© teszi a csecsemĆk magas szĂnvonalĂș intenzĂv ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄt, ĂșjraĂ©lesztĂ©sĂ©t, testhĆmĂ©rsĂ©kletĂŒk biztosĂtĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s egyĂ©b, zĂĄrt inkubĂĄtorban nem elvĂ©gezhetĆ beavatkozĂĄsokat.
Automatikus testhĆmĂ©rsĂ©klet szabĂĄlyzĂĄsi ĂŒzemmĂłd (34-38°C) többször hasznĂĄlatos Ă©rzĂ©kelĆvel
Nagy teherbĂrĂĄsĂș ĂĄllvĂĄny 4 kerĂ©kkel (ebbĆl 2 fĂ©kezhetĆ,150 mm)
VĂ©dĆĂŒtközĆk minden oldalon, Ă©s fogantyĂș a frontoldalon
LehajthatĂł oldalfalak ( 4 db, magassĂĄguk 17,5 cm)
FekvĆfelĂŒlet röntgensugĂĄr-ĂĄteresztĆ anti-dekubitusz matraccal
BölcsĆdöntĂ©s folyamatosan mindkĂ©t irĂĄnyban 10 fokig)
KihĂșzhatĂł röntgenkazetta-tartĂł tĂĄlca (35 x 65 cm)
A mƱködés folyamån folytonos önteszt funkciók
https://medicor.hu/h...bylife-blr-2100aâ€#MEDICOR #
ourproducts #
BABYLIFE_BLR_2100ABabyLife BLR-2100A Warming and Reviving Table
It enables high-quality intensive care of babies, resuscitation, ensuring their body temperature and other interventions that cannot be performed in a closed incubator.
Automatic body temperature control mode (34-38°C) with a reusable sensor
Heavy-duty stand with 4 wheels (2 of which can be braked, 150 mm)
Protective bumpers on all sides and a handle on the front side
Fold-down side walls (4 pieces, height 17.5 cm)
Lying surface with x-ray permeable anti-decubitus mattress
Cradle tilt continuously in both directions up to 10 degrees)
Pull-out x-ray cassette holder tray (35 x 65 cm)
Continuous self-test functions during operation
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